Change the color of the text or background
Customize how the content is displayed in your website
Align elements in your website
Modify the width or the height of an element
Customize the padding and the margin of an element
Text helpers
Basic text helpers
Miscellanea helpers
A collection of unclassified helpers
Change the color of the text or background
Added in v3.1.0
Text color
Set the text color of any element. There is an extra class,
that sets the text color to white.
Primary text color
Success text color
Warning text color
Error text color
Dark text color
Light text color
White text color
<div class="siimple--color-primary">Primary text color</div> <div class="siimple--color-success">Success text color</div> <div class="siimple--color-warning">Warning text color</div> <div class="siimple--color-error">Error text color</div> <div class="siimple--color-dark">Dark text color</div> <div class="siimple--color-light">Light text color</div> <div class="siimple--color-white siimple--bg-dark">White text color</div>
Background color
Set the background color of any element. There is an extra class,
that sets the background color to white.
Primary background color
Success background color
Warning background color
Error background color
Dark background color
Light background color
White background color
<div class="bg-example siimple--bg-primary siimple--color-white"> Primary background color </div> <div class="bg-example siimple--bg-success siimple--color-white"> Success background color </div> <div class="bg-example siimple--bg-warning siimple--color-white"> Warning background color </div> <div class="bg-example siimple--bg-error siimple--color-white"> Error background color </div> <div class="bg-example siimple--bg-dark siimple--color-white"> Dark background color </div> <div class="bg-example siimple--bg-light"> Light background color </div> <div class="bg-example siimple--bg-white"> White background color </div>
Colors helpers are only avaiable for the new colors API introduced in
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