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Form field
A simple form container to group form sections
All the different sections of the form should be contained in fields. This way, every part of your form will be easily identifiable. Just create a div with the class siimple-field:
<div class="siimple-field"></div>
The siimple-form-field class introduced in v3.0.0 to style your form fields elements is still supported, but will be removed in a future major release in favour of siimple-field.
Separate the different sections depending on their purpose with fields and add labels (using the class siimple-field-label) and helpers (using the class siimple-field-helper) to them. You'll end up with a clear and intuitive form that will provide a great user experience:
Your email
This field can't be empty
Your comment
This field can't be empty
<div class="siimple-field">
    <div class="siimple-field-label">Your email</div>
    <input type="text" class="siimple-input siimple-input--fluid" placeholder="">
    <div class="siimple-field-helper">This field can't be empty</div>
<div class="siimple-field">
    <div class="siimple-field-label">Your comment</div>
    <textarea class="siimple-textarea siimple-textarea--fluid"></textarea>
    <div class="siimple-field-helper">This field can't be empty</div>
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